The Next LVL
Welcome to our blog, The Next LVL, where our team shares relevant and useful information you can use to LVL-Up yourself, your business, and your lifestyle so you can #GetItHandled®.

How Guiding Principles Attract a Values-Driven Team
Adopting company values that resonate with your team can unlock their internal drive and drive your entire business forward.

SMART Goals Are Not Always the Answer — Here’s Why
If your SMART goals keep failing, you may need to use HARD or FAST goals instead.

Learning Your Leadership Voice
GiANT Worldwide “Five Voices” method is a personality system meant to help you understand how to work with others. This training is vital to the success of our company as an entirely remote company because we place a lot of emphasis on how we work together as a team spread out across the globe.

Why Delegation Is Key For Entrepreneurs
As an entrepreneur the biggest challenge can be letting go. Here are three BIG ways that delegation can help.

Collaboration, a guiding principle put into action
At LVL-Up team members are invited to join the team and help shape and grow the culture, the norms and the business.

Building a Supportive Remote Culture: Four Tips That Go A Long Way
Even in our remote work environment, LVL-Up’s founders have created a collaborative and suppportive culture that provides the psychological safety needed to grow and progress.