The roadmap

Your business is up and running. You have goals, but you have not fully identified and fleshed out your short-term and long-term steps. The roadmap we developed, based on where you are right now (in business and in life), will help you identify what services you need so that you can get to the next level.

A black and white close up image of a man on his laptop


You’ve taken the leap to start your own business, and now you may find that growth has stalled. You need to increase your sales and compete with the market presence your competitors have so that you can support building a team and expanding operations to do what you do best. Solopreneurs will benefit from LVL-Up’s specialized strategic advisory service to map out the road to your vision, leading to the success of your company.

A freelancer working on her computer
Three bakery owners on break

The Business Owner

Your business is up and running successfully, but you’ve hit limitations with your capacity, and now you need to add members to your team in order for your company to grow. LVL-Up can help solidify your brand, increase your sales, and establish systems for delegation.

The Budding CEO

You have a solid team in place and you’re starting to identify where you may need to expand your business. In order to scale, though, you must have sustainable systems to train and manage your team, onboard new clients, and successfully deliver your offerings. LVL-Up can audit and organize your processes to identify where your gaps exist, and then we help you develop business strategies to address these process gaps, measure success, and streamline your business offerings. We do this while identifying areas for automation and improving your documentation and systems management.

A business woman sits at her desk while on the phone

The Full-Time CEO

You have spent time and resources elevating yourself from entrepreneur to CEO, and you have teams and processes in place, but you find that your company is growing fast. Even with a solid team, your business is struggling to keep up with organizational and client demands. You may even see silos developing as you are scaling your operations, affecting team coordination and collaboration, potentially affecting your ability to consistently implement your processes. It is time for a successful, streamlined operation, and LVL-Up’s seasoned team of operational experts can help. We will work with your entire team to bring organized cohesion to your business while solidifying your unique brand and identifying your voice in the marketplace.

Get your free SOLOPRENEUR TO CEO roadmap