Client Success Stories

We have helped numerous clients in diverse industries LVL-Up through our strategic advisory, operational strategy, and targeted implementation services.

Business people in a strategy meeting

Healthcare Strategic Advisory

The Issue

A leading healthcare provider wanted to expand the company’s offerings but felt something was missing from the strategy. The provider engaged LVL-Up to help identify the resources needed to overcome operational inefficiencies and reach expansion goals.

The Strategy

After analyzing the company’s current data and assessing the office’s procedures and processes, the LVL-Up team developed a three-fold plan to:

  1. create packaged solutions for the provider’s team to cultivate clients on their own;
  2. create easy, accessible inroads into the company’s services for general audiences; and
  3. build marketing and outreach platforms to keep client communications open and frequent.

The Implementation

To free up the provider’s capacity to work on the big-picture vision, LVL-Up created a marketing framework to implement with the provider's team while LVL-Up managed the social media marketing strategy and platforms. LVL-Up helped the provider clarify the mission and the vision of the enterprise so the whole team was clear about the future of the company. Over the course of ten weekly sessions, LVL-Up supported the provider in collaborating with staff to develop engaging programs that satisfy current and future customer needs. Even before the ten weeks had ended, the provider saw a noticeable improvement in relationships with both staff and customers. With the newly acquired tools and confidence, the provider felt the sales and expansion goals were within reach.

"I could not think of a better partner to help create our business strategy and to put the systems in place."
— Healthcare Provider



Value Returned

Clarity on vision of the company

Streamlined offerings, improved corporate culture, and support staff to cultivate new client relationships


  • Marketing framework
  • Social media strategy


A more cohesive team with a roadmap to grow the client base and maintain heightened visibility on social media