Why You Need a Driven Team to Deliver Your Government Solution

Heather Pelaez
October 5, 2024
Why You Need a Driven Team to Deliver Your Government Solution

Your company has a clear vision of where you want to be in five years, and your team is making significant progress. But do you keep running into roadblocks along the way? Things like:

  • You’re scaling quickly, which means that operational decisions are often made “on the fly” and not always documented or followed by all;
  • You haven’t had the time to pass on your expertise and empower your team to solve specific issues on their own;
  • You have operational gaps and progress is on hold until you find the right talent to solve them; 
  • You can’t manage or run a large project without overextending your current team and you need to build capacity fast;
  • Your legacy systems are no longer serving the needs that you face today. 

You need more than a consultant to diagnose the problems; you need reliable experts to solve them with you. After working at LVL-Up for almost four years, I’ve witnessed how our team bridges these gaps for companies like yours, in alignment with your mission, values, and business goals.

It’s always rewarding to look through everything our team has accomplished for a client, from brainstorming solutions to the moment when the solution is implemented and working. But, for me, the most rewarding experience is working with clients who have trusted us with their long-term growth and made us an integral part of their team.

So how are we able to tap into our superpowers and consistently deliver excellent results to our clients? After some reflection, the main differentiator for LVL-Up is that our adaptability, drive, and asynchronous approach allow our team to fit into your company culture and align with your mission, values, and business goals. 

The Right Fit for Your Company Culture

We agree that change is difficult to learn and work within a new culture. As a company comprised of Foreign Service and military eligible family members (EFMs) with diverse backgrounds, we move with our families from state to state and from country to country. Each time we move, we have to set up all over again. So naturally, LVL-Up team members navigate and adapt to new cultures all the time. With every new assignment, we quickly learn to live in these new environments. We become seasoned change management professionals who regularly create, implement, and test new processes while integrating into new communities. We set our goals, strategize our paths, and find ways to progress ourselves and our families. We never receive step-by-step instructions, but our principles and past experiences guide us in how we can overcome each obstacle.

Whether you bring in LVL-Up to solve a specific problem or to augment your team to keep regular operations running smoothly, you’ll quickly see that we adapt our working style to become part of your team, working with you to progress.

How To Tap Into Our Drive 

We all know there is a difference between surviving and thriving. The EFM community is made up of people who set their ambition or drive in a wide variety of directions. Some are driven to explore while others are driven to lead their community. Our team is made up of EFMs with professional drive. We are professionally minded with stacks of degrees and expertise that will push your business to excellence. We enjoy applying our learned flexibility and resilience to uncover the solutions you need. The EFM lifestyle isn’t for everyone. We have to be disciplined and consistent but also comfortable with ambiguity. Our team has that EFM drive, and your team can tap into it, too.

We understand that consistent wins culminate into larger success down the road. We don’t need vanity metrics; we value progress. Motivation wanes but building systems diligently and consistently accomplishing tactics results in sustainable progress over time.

A Workforce That Follows The Sun

One of the benefits of being based in Virginia with team members located around the world is that our team can use our time zones to your advantage. Being flexible is a guiding principle that we at LVL-Up take seriously. It allows us to structure our work days flexibly and in a way that is advantageous for us and our clients. 

We can keep your projects moving beyond the traditional working hours. I have experienced the benefit of sending a deliverable before the client even wakes up, so that it is ready for them to review when they login. Or finding out about a need in the morning on the East Coast and working on it myself for a bit before handing it off to a teammate in Asia to turn around a solution within a client’s business day. And as a bonus, our remote setup minimizes overhead costs for our clients, allowing us to offer competitive rates without compromising quality.

Through asynchronous remote work, we've built the tools and platforms to get things done even though we aren’t sitting in an office together. We leverage tools to record video instructions as well as collaborative platforms so communication is constant.

Are you ready to LVL-Up?

You’ve built something great and it is growing. Don’t lose motivation or feel overwhelmed by the roadblocks or the multiple solutions that may need to happen simultaneously. LVL-Up can help you to identify and implement the talent, solution, process, and systems that you need to be successful. We can provide advice and hold you accountable so that you can continue to grow without sacrificing the quality and trust you’ve established. 

Schedule a free discovery call to learn more.

Heather Pelaez
LVL-Up Strategies